What Is A WhatsApp Channel? How to Create on iOS Android & PC

June 9, 2024 (2 weeks ago)

What Is A WhatsApp Channel? How to Create on iOS Android & PC

WhatsApp channels are tools for one-way broadcasts that provide you the opportunity to follow people and organizations to get their important updates. Whereas, as an admin, you can send photos, videos, stickers polls, and text. This is the most private broadcast service where WhatsApp ensures the personal information of both the followers and admin.

How to Create WhatsApp Channels on iOS, Android & PC

If you have a WhatsApp account, you are eligible to make WhatsApp channels. However, the following steps are a simple guide for you:

  1. Open WhatsApp: In your WhatsApp, press on the channel’s icon. For iOS/android tap on the Updates Tab.
  2. Add a New Channel: Now tap on the plus icon, (+) to add a new channel.
  3. Fill in Details: Press Continue. Now Add the name and description for your channels.
  4. Share Your Channel: After successfully creating your channel, you can share its link with anyone.

Channel Owner Controls

As a channel owner, you can practice the following control on your channel:

  1. Admin Management: Invite and dismiss other channel admins. Other admins can’t add or remove admins. Only channel owner can delete their channel.
  2. Full Control: They can perform all the functions of channel admin.

Admin Controls

As a channel admin, you have the following controls over your channel:

  1. Settings Management: You can make some general settings such as channel name, icon, emojis, reactions, channel description, etc.
  2. Content Management: You can share, edit, or delete channel updates without requiring approval from the channel owner.
  3. Visibility Settings: Decide whether you want to make your channel’s directory discoverable in the directory.
  4. Membership Control: You control who can follow your channel.

Invite or Dismiss Channel Admins

You can add up to 16 co-admins to your channel for your assistance. They can assist you in channel settings, editing, and deleting various channel updates. To invite or dismiss channel admins:

  1. Send Invitation: Sending the invitation to the channel admin is only possible through your personal WhatsApp, not from your channel.
  2. Manage Admins: As an owner, you will see all your channel admins at the top of your follower list.

Edit a Channel Update

To edit any update, follow these steps:

  1. Tap Edit: To edit any update, just tap on the Edit button.
  2. Make Changes: Edit your updates and save your updates.

Share Your Channel

To share your channel, you must get your channel link and share it with anyone you want to join. Follow these steps:

  1. Get Channel Link: Click on the channel’s icon and then click on your channel to get your channel info page.
  2. Copy Link: Click on your channel name, and copy it.
  3. Share Link: Share it by pasting it anywhere you want.

Delete an Update from Your Channel

You can delete any update before 30 days as per your requirements:

  1. Access Updates: In your WhatsApp channel, press Update tab.
  2. Select Update: Tap and hold the update you want to delete.
  3. Delete: While deleting the updates, select “delete for everyone”.

How to Invite People to Be Your Channel Admins?

Follow these steps to invite people to be your channel admins:

  1. Access Follower List: Click on your follower list.
  2. Select Contact: Tap on your chosen contact.
  3. Invite: Select “invite as channel admin”.

How to Dismiss an Admin?

To dismiss someone as admin, follow these steps:

  1. Access Follower List: Tap on your follower list.
  2. Select Admin: Click on the admin name you want to dismiss.
  3. Dismiss: Select “Dismiss as Admin” and press OK.

Recommendations to Create More Engagement on Your WhatsApp Channel

  • Be focused on a specific topic.
  • Write short and to the point.
  • Provide needed and helpful content.
  • Keep your channel abreast with fresh and up-to-date information.
  • Meet the WhatsApp channel guidelines.


WhatsApp channels are a great way for you to gather a massive community of your interest around you. You can use this platform creatively as an influencer, marketer, or public person. For instance, as a businessman, you can use channels to promote your business awareness and as a tool for other marketing strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions: What Is A WhatsApp Channel? How to Create on iOS Android & PC

1. What is a WhatsApp channel?

A WhatsApp channel is a tool for one-way broadcasts that allows individuals and organizations to share updates, photos, videos, stickers, polls, and text with their followers. It serves as a private broadcast service where personal information is safeguarded by WhatsApp for both followers and admins.

2. How can I become a WhatsApp channel admin?

To become a WhatsApp channel admin, you need the invitation of the channel owner. The owner has the authority to invite you as an admin, granting you certain controls over the channel. If you wish to step down from the admin role, you can do so at any time.

3. Are WhatsApp channels end-to-end encrypted?

As of now, WhatsApp channels are not end-to-end encrypted (E2EE). However, there is a possibility that WhatsApp might introduce E2EE for channels in the future. Updates shared on channels are visible to all followers, channel admins, and the general public for 30 days. While it’s a fresh launch after successful beta testing, some features might initially be disabled.

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