How to Increase Image Sharing Limit on WhatsApp Plus (Guide)

June 10, 2023 (1 year ago)


Do you realise that WhatsApp is just one of more than 100 centralised instant messaging protocols created for Android users? Moreover, because Telegram’s features are so entertaining these days, our attention is increasingly being drawn to alternative possibilities. The primary cause of that is WhatsApp’s fatally limiting image sharing restriction of 50 messages at once.

Imagine you’ve just returned from a funny excursion to the hill point, and all your pals are begging to see the pictures you took. In that situation, you must substantially share 50 photographs that you mark each time. More than 90% of the switched population cited it as a reason to stop using WhatsApp, so if you’re considering switching as well, hold off and have a look at WhatsApp Plus, an outstanding update.

Some unique privileges in the WhatsApp Plus edition affect the features’ restrictions. You were initially astounded by an increased forwarding limit, followed by an increase in media sharing size, and now you will be astounded by the maximum picture sharing capability. You did hear that right, I assure you! With this incredible tweak, you may send up to 2500 photos to any of your WhatsApp friends at once.

Prepare to overcome all of your constraints and use technology to do jobs even more quickly than before. To enable the picture sharing capabilities upgrade, download the most recent version of WhatsApp Plus as soon as possible and follow the instructions in the video below. After then, you’d be astounded to see such a beast capable of transmitting up to 2500 photos at once.

In terms of the processes, we have also edited the entire video technique into written form. After seeing the video, if you ever have any doubts, you may use the step-by-step instructions in the text below to enable this complex WhatsApp feature without spending a single penny of your own money.

  • Download and install WhatsApp Plus APK on your Android device first.
  • You now have the app, so use an OTP there to authenticate your WhatsApp number.
  • Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the WhatsApp Plus app homepage to access the settings menu.
  • Explore the three-dot menu list, and then click the Plus Settings link on that page.
  • Hit to see the Universal section from the precise Plus Settings.
  • The Disable Image Share Limit tab may be found by clicking Settings and browsing the whole list of tabs.
  • After that, flip the switch to activate the prompt as soon as possible.

You may soon share more than 10 photos at once after turning on this setting and restarting the WhatsApp Plus APK. You are now able to share up to 2500 photos at once.

Additionally, WhatsApp Plus comes with a number of outstanding image-sharing features, including the ability to transmit up to 4MB of high-resolution photographs at once. All of these features are easy to use. Try it out!

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