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OBWhatsApp Business (Omar) v1.0 Latest New Version Download 2024

App NameOBWhatsApp Business
PublisherOmar Badeeb
Latest Versionv1.0
MOD InfoExtra Feature

Download (58MB)


Whatsapp Business is the second application created by WhatsApp after the famous application that it presented, and it was created by it in order to work to enhance communication between people in the field of business and business, and because we are in the technology revolution and we live every day in a new development, the methods of communication continue to renew and expand even more than it was. like that; WhatsApp Web Business, by which makes this app so much needed.


It is worth noting that the Whatsapp Business application accepts to be installed alongside the regular WhatsApp application, and it is distinguished from it by some features that are not available in the other application, but it was established in general for the owners of small companies, projects and businesses for marketing and advertising purposes. like that; WhatsApp business, as customers communicate with you through it and get the information they need about the goods through it.


It has been downloaded and used by more than 2 billion people, belonging to more than 180 countries around the world; They all agree that the application can be viewed as follows:

Whatsapp Business contributes to keeping you in constant contact and meeting with clients and customers from everywhere and at any time.
It is also free and does not cost you anything to use it, and it is also usable on more than one image.
It helps to display different pictures of the goods, send voice notes to explain some data about the item, or talk about the materials from which it was produced and so on.
The required price is also announced, and customer acceptance of prices is measured, and how the product is accepted and feedback to its users after trying it.
The application sends text messages and contains everything that regular WhatsApp contains and more, and it can be used normally as another application to run two WhatsApp numbers on the same device; In this case, you will not feel any shortage between its features and the features of your application, which you are used to before.
WhatsApp Business new version

Messages do not require credit, but rather require your Internet connection, and if you do not provide Wi-Fi, communication will take place via phone data; This may cost you some money, or you may need to subscribe to a package that contributes to keeping you updated.
WhatsApp is no longer limited to texts only, but has expanded to include all forms of media; And the expansion continues to keep pace with the aspirations of new generations of users.
Your information and the information of your business and company are kept completely safe with us on the application; And you get complete encryption of everything that goes on in the conversation between you and the customer, so that the established company itself will not be able to obtain any of the conversations that take place between you and your contacts or your customers.


It is distinguished from other communication applications in general, and from regular WhatsApp in particular, with several advantages, and it transcends all of them, as:

The application is simple, and through it you can communicate securely, encrypted, and efficiently; In order to display your products in an interesting and at the same time protected way, and you can provide your financial and sensitive information through it without worry.
The application does not cost you money in its known state, but even if you do not have Wi-Fi, it will depend on the data on your line; The nice thing is that most of the packages allow the completion of services on WhatsApp for free, or allocate a package of its own.
As for groups, you can communicate through them, send product information through them, and receive orders for them as you like.
You can take from the experiences of others, learn from their experiences, and achieve greater benefit through online dealings through the application.
The application enables you to conduct meetings via group video calls, which are presented to you from the application without noise or faded, weak images, rather the video is professional and of high quality.


The application is organized, and enables you to view new correspondences alone, apart from the categories in which the rest of the conversations are located; In order not to get distracted and lose customers’ interest in your goods by delaying the response to them.
Changing the name in the group is possible, so that you can choose a name that suits the activity that you are presenting, or that you are doing for others; You can also choose an avatar that indicates the field in which you work easily and smoothly.
You can include about 256 individuals per group, which means that you will send the information once to this number of customers, and this guarantees unparalleled expansion.
You can allow receiving notifications from the app normally, but you can also block them completely; Or prevent them at specific times from the application, or even prevent notifications of a conversation or a group specifically without other existing conversations.
You can open the application on the PC, and this is via WhatsApp Web technology, which will show you a barcode that you only have to read through the WhatsApp camera (from choosing WhatsApp Web from the application); Within moments, you will find your account open on the computer without problems.
Opening the account on the computer does not mean that you can open the application from more than one site, because the application on the phone allocates procedures that confirm that no one else uses the application on the computer.
whatsapp business apk
One of those measures is not to allow the phone to lose its charge permanently, nor to disconnect it from the Internet; Also, throughout the duration of using WhatsApp Web, a sign will appear on your phone indicating this, and if you click on it, it will show you the information of the device through which the account was logged in.
Visual and audio communication is allowed through the computer application that you can download and make use of the application; To keep the account longer, and enjoy better security.
Your visual and audio communication through the application crosses far countries to reach anyone you want; However far away it is from you in reality, distances are meaningless to this technology.
The goods that are sold can be agreed with shipping companies to deliver them far away, and the activity spread from a limited place to a much wider place, thus creating a successful virtual company through the application.


No one can deny the excellence of the application, as it contributes to really expensive things, and offers them free of charge, in a more beautiful and safer way, as:

It is used on a personal scale, as well as a functional scope, and meetings can be held through it, even if it is only in writing.
It can be used freely, due to its built-in encryption system which does not allow any harmful technology to work on it; It is impossible to steal any data through the app, not even to access it.
The application gives you a more creative privacy experience, as you can listen to your messages and notes that come to you individually.
And it wasn’t like this before, but everyone around you was listening with you to those notes, but this covenant is over.
You can exchange video clips without problems through the application, especially for works that require publishing the opinions of the audience who have bought; Good or service, as everyone wants to feel like they are in the center of the action.
The use of the application is not affected by the speed of the Internet, as it always succeeds in delivering the files to be sent; to others even if the connection is weak.
You can now send and receive documents of all kinds through the application, as this was not previously available, but now it no longer involves any difficulties, even if the file size reaches 100MB, and we can benefit from; This includes saving feasibility studies for your business and marketing plans.
You can constantly use the Voice Note to express your thoughts; And communicate those ideas to customers, because they may involve important decisions, and the process will be done with just the click of a button.


From the moment WhatsApp dawned, it aimed to help you communicate with your friends on an ongoing basis, as well as with those around you, to work on keeping your relationships renewed and strong, as:

When you use WhatsApp to share any vital data related to your business, do not worry about its fate, because it is impossible to access it from third parties under any circumstances.
Whatsapp Business engages with you in the most private moments of your life in using it, especially if you are messaging through it a close friend or family member, and therefore there has been an increasing interest in encrypting your conversations and data by the application administration.
Your files being shared back and forth also you don’t need to worry about, as they are also protected by the application’s added encryption technologies.
Even attempts made by data hackers if they intend to apply it to Whatsapp Business will not succeed, and they will get completely incomprehensible codes, while they will never be able to decrypt the code and access the data.


The phrase that tells you that no one can see your messages or conversations is real, and the matter includes all parties, including the company that produced the application, it does not have the right to try to listen to your voice messages, calls, video calls, or even written conversations between you and any other party. .
There is a symbol known as the encryption key, which contributes to data protection. There are only two copies of it, one with you, and the other with the second party you are talking to, and there is no third copy of it with any party, and there is no need to find that copy of the original.
Doing encryption and producing the two keys does not require an active verb, but rather it is one of the things produced automatically as soon as you send the first message to the customer, or receive it from him for the first time, so that you will notice that the phrase “This conversation is encrypted” appears at the top.
There is a dedicated protocol that is relied upon to encrypt the signals of your conversations, and it is also concerned with activating protection for them before leaving your device until reaching their recipient.
Regarding signals and messages issued via Whatsapp Business, they are followed by these protocols from before they leave the client’s device until they reach your device, and vice versa.
Any chat made through the application is encrypted and closed without any exceptions, even those that are stored and exchanged with clients.
At the same time, as soon as it is delivered, it is under the privacy system that was set up by the developers of Whatsapp Business.


Specialized staff may be selected to respond to messages in certain circumstances where you choose and request it; Being a business.
There are also some activities that you can choose another company to keep the messages circulated in WhatsApp, such as Facebook; It can also be granted permission to manage these messages if you allow it.
Communication in those cases is available in order to collect comprehensive information regarding that data to clarify what actions are being taken towards it.
As for the services of paying and receiving money through the application, in some countries it is possible to specify the movement of money; Between the accounts of the companies operating in the funds, and those movements are between transfer and receipt.
In these cases, card numbers, account numbers, or any numbers related to such matters are targeted with high protection, although the limited encryption on two parties is not applied to these transactions.
Non-application is due to the financial institution requesting some information that includes those numbers; No movement of funds can be completed without obtaining this data.
However, it cannot be said that a third party was involved in the matter, because this party is working in the form of a manager of the financial transaction; As between you and the customer who receives services from you in exchange for a sum of money paid.
You can see any action taken on your messages by the company; and decide whether the procedure is appropriate for you in some circumstances where it is required.
Most of the time, you will not be able to control the fate of your messages, as there is a policy dedicated to dealing with them by the company, and it cannot be rejected or deviated from except when that procedure is available; By the company and its tools for protection and encryption.
At any time, you can block any party that you do not want to continue communicating with for any reason. If you decide at some point that this client can cause harm to you or your business, you can block it and delete it from the namebook; You have the one who defines your contacts and correspondences through the application.


You can block any business that you do not trust, and the blocking is done through the chat actions themselves,
You will not need to search for a long time to find and apply it. Click the 3 dots on the side of the conversation, then choose Block.
This ends and this activity can no longer reach you via Whatsapp Business.
WhatsApp is interested in keeping you abreast of the processing mechanism that takes place for messages, and how to deal with them, and there are options that are offered to you to be at your disposal and enable you to make the decision regarding your conversations.
The privacy that surrounds your conversations and messages is designed to contain all your conversations from all sides, even after they leave and reach the other party’s device. They are protected with high quality, and cannot be intercepted and decrypted.
Communication with any individual takes place smoothly, no matter how far from your location you are talking from, or even if it is close, so the exchange and protection of messages is not related to that at all.


It is encrypted and stored by the users’ phones, if they are only two parties, then it is saved on their devices, and if it is on a group, it is saved on the members’ devices, and the meaning here is that WhatsApp does not keep any correspondence that takes place on its servers at all, and it is among the privacy measures . like that; whatsapp business download, which the company handles your data and conversations with.
It’s nice to be able to ensure that your chats and calls are encrypted and that information is shown to you by navigating to an indicator; Encryption and protection, which is on the information page of the customer or the other party you are talking to.
You can also find this information on the business page as well, and inform you of its purpose; Your reassurance is the complete encryption that protects all your conversations between you and your interlocutor.
On the Whatsapp Business website, the company presents a technical report in a document; In order to fully explain its encryption technology to you, it was developed between WhatsApp and Open Whisper Systems.
We advise you to read the file if you are very worried about your data with the company.


It is beneficial for you to have this application on your device, as you are able to use it to fulfill all communication requirements through it, even if you want to follow the news, market goods and services whether you are a provider or benefit from them, create educational services and provide them to those who want them, and many other things that may benefit you in which the application. like that; whatsapp business, so you had to download it to enjoy it and its benefits.

Also, the application is free and no advertisements can appear on it and there is no request for a fee to enjoy any feature in it, and therefore it was one of the best applications selected for communication between most users of the Internet, applications and programming in general, and if you want to download it on your device, you will need to specify the type of device; As downloading it for Android is different from downloading it for iPhone. like that; WhatsApp Business apk 2023, and below is a description of that.


You can download it through the Play Store, and this is the best and shortest way to download; It is also the safest for the device and the source of the application, and in order to download it, follow these steps:

Open the Play Store application on your mobile phone, and you will find its icon among your device’s applications in the main menu.
Type in the WhatsApp Business search box and press Search.
You will see the application icon, click on it, and you will notice the good ratings of the application, as well as its space when downloading, as well as the number of times it has been downloaded.
Click Install which you will find written on a green button below the name of the application, and wait until it is completely downloaded.


iPhone systems are not like Android, as they require applications with a higher level of quality and security; Therefore, it is the best and most expensive at the hardware level, and in order to install the application on your iPhone, you can take the following steps:

Open the App Store application on your device, which you will find under your applications, and it enables you to download any applications you want in general.
Type in the search “WhatsApp Business” and in a matter of seconds you will have an application icon appearing in the results.
Click on the icon and you will find all the information about your application, including the number of times it has been installed and its size when downloading, as well as user ratings for it, and from that you will find the install button available to you, so press it.
Wait a few seconds for the download to complete, and then you’ll be ready to launch the app and fully sign up to get started.


When using WhatsApp on a computer, it is not in the same manner as on the phone, and its presence on the computer is limited and not continuous like its presence on the phone, and this situation is its first and last goal of protection, for example, your phone must be connected to the Internet throughout the period of using the application on the computer. like that; WhatsApp Business Plus is the latest official alternative v3.0 version, you need to read a barcode to help run the app on your computer.

There are times when the account will be closed from the computer, and the matter is not related to the distances, but is related to the connection, for example, a notification will appear continuously on your phone to inform you that the application is running on the computer at that moment, just as simply disconnecting the phone’s charging or preventing it from the Internet will stop the operation of the account on the computer. like that; Download WhatsApp Business, and while maintaining all these requirements, you will find that the application needs to update the account every once in a while.


Open the Microsoft Store, and make sure you log in to your account for it to work.
Type in the WhatsApp Business search bar.
The app will quickly appear with some information about it.
Click on install, or it will often say Get written on a blue button, and it may take longer for the installation to complete, and this time is due to the quality of the internet connection.
After the installation is complete, you will find that the application is available in the Start menu, so click and open it.
Open the application on the phone, and choose from the 3 side points in its interface, WhatsApp Web.
Put the camera on the code shown in front of you, and keep in mind that it changes every few seconds, so be quick about it.
Once the photo is taken, the account will work completely on the computer, and thus you will own and manage your account through the computer.
Download Whatsapp Business from the WhatsApp website
It is also a safe way that you take to download the application on your device, and it is available for various devices, and the most important thing that we need in the application is its security and our ability to enjoy it without risks or worries on our phones or our private information, and when you use your application for work, it is necessary to be confident in the system Built-in protection with the application. like that; WhatsApp Business for PC. Here is an explanation for downloading the application for each type of device separately.


Go to the WhatsApp company website at whatsapp com.
You will find that some promotional cards are displayed in front of you, choose the one on which WhatsApp Business is mentioned, and be careful to click on the word WhatsApp Business itself and you will find it colored in blue.
From here you will find simplified information about the application, and below the information you will find two buttons, one of which is to download the application for Android, so press it.
You will be taken directly to the Play Store app for download.
When you try to download the application for the iPhone, click the second button, which says iPhone, and you will be directed to the App Store for downloading the application from the official iPhone store.


You can also install the application to use it on your computers, and what is new is that you can keep your account through the application in a better way than using it on the browser, and you also benefit from the capabilities of the application to give you visual and audio communication, directly and with superior quality, without interruption or problems, and therefore the companies . like that; WhatsApp Business 2023, it has designed WhatsApp programs for computers, dedicated to opening accounts for phones on it, and there are versions that have been made available.
And others have not yet been made available, so the company on its official website has put a link for each operating system to download the appropriate version for it, and the steps to access these links are as follows:


The application does not follow any other applications and does not need to rely on others, as it is self-contained, and its work is not linked to any other external software, and it has many advantages that you can benefit from to raise the quality of your business; Or improve marketing among the masses, and these features include the following:


This means that you do not have to do anything or pay a fee to obtain the features that distinguish the application, but rather we put them all at your service, and you can dispose of them as you wish. These features include what protects your account; And what protects your privacy and what makes you able to stay away from any unreliable parties that you may meet through the application.


You won’t even find a single ad shown to you on the app, which means you won’t get interrupted; You will also not experience any delay in viewing or receiving messages, and the application will not become a nuisance to you.


It is the most important feature that anyone can benefit from, especially if the application is used to conduct business, or to exchange private numbers and personal information through it. Therefore, reliance was on complete encryption of data and conversations between two parties; And the inability of any third person to access the information contained in the conversations.


The program gives you unique opportunities to communicate with others, without setting limits on the places you can reach: nor the people you communicate with, but rather leaves you an open field to shop for your goods as you want in the range you want; This helps you reach people further than you expect, and contributes to the dissemination of goods and services in a larger and higher impact


You can now know the messages that you receive for the first time from clients, as they have their own category or tab that you set yourself; In order to make the application organized, and not to get confused between messages you receive from old customers and other messages from new customers.


One of the best features of the application is that it allows you to set some messages to be used as replies to messages that contain certain words that require this response, and this makes the customer feel that you are close and present on an ongoing basis; And always ready to provide your services to the fullest.


The application gives you detailed numbers and statistics for the messages that you received, so that you can evaluate your progress, deliver the goods and services you provide on a larger scale, and reach more customers over time; As well as determining who has paid for the goods and who has not yet paid.


You can share all kinds of files with your customers. If you are advertising for a service, you can provide videos showing how to benefit from it; You can also send voice notes from you or from previous customers who provide product reviews. You can also share documents and documents in more than one format to suit all the information you want to communicate to others. Also;, and in that it is not at all different from the regular application of WhatsApp.


By downloading WhatsApp Business, you can create a special file for your commercial organization, which means that you add a lot of information that pertains to it, including the address of the establishment, the region it serves, the extent of its scope and breadth, as well as information related to the category through which you provide work. like that; Download WhatsApp Business Web, the description of the activity that is being done, you also add other data such as email addresses, such as the location, and any other data that makes communication between you and your customers easier.


These are the messages that are prepared and stored in order to be used later to respond to customer inquiries, especially when the answers include a long explanation. Here, it is better to keep these messages to clarify a large amount of detailed information that helps the customer understand your answers. like that; WhatsApp Business Web, and a better understanding of what you want to communicate to him.


The application is downloadable on any device without problems or obstacles and can work on all of them, as it works on browsers to run on computers without problems. Use it on all devices. like that; Download WhatsApp Business Web 2023, which is also proof that the application is compatible with you to use it in any field you want and need to expand it or to communicate with its beneficiaries.


It is the feature that contributes to clarifying everything related to your commodity that you offer to customers, so you can photograph it in more than one way, and you can also display it in a video, whether it was recorded or during a video call, and displaying the product is useful in raising confidence between you and the customers who follow your products, and this means You will get more clients. like that; WhatsApp Business is a free download, especially when they get the product and give you good reviews about it.


Advertising for which you pay exorbitant sums to announce to people that you are providing a service or selling a product.
You can not have to pay these costs thanks to the WhatsApp application, as it replaces the old advertising methods.
It is more popular and enables you to sell in easier and safer ways.
Also, using Whatsapp Business builds strong relationships between you and your customers and gives them the impression that you are closer to them than the truth.
They can tell you exactly what they want in the product so that you know what they want from the service and how they can benefit from it, which also makes you have stronger opportunities to develop your products and services.


The complaint issued by customers is not always a means of demolition, if we consider it an idea for the development of services, and it is also a way to strengthen the relations between you as a seller and the buyer who benefits from your goods. Accept in an intelligent way that you will be able to win that customer to your side, and benefit from his expression of opinions to develop what you offer.


With proper use of all the above-mentioned advantages, the inevitable and irreversible result will be the success of the company and its progress forward.
Rapid development, continuous progress and high profits, as the company here will be stronger, and it has solid foundations and an audience that continuously requests the services provided through it.
They also tell their relatives and friends about your company, which makes expansion big, fast, and easier than before, and you won’t need long after that to take a place from the top.
Provide all required information to clients:
It is one of the advantages of communication, which allows the customer to take the easiest way to collect sufficient information about the desired product.
And he can obtain that information in the easiest and shortest way, and he will not need to get tired and spend effort and money to reach what he wants, and all this is thanks to the use of Whatsapp Business.


It is among the messages saved as automatic replies, but its goal is to welcome new customers and give them some simple information about the company.
It has a good effect on customers, and if the words are chosen correctly, it makes the customer eager to get the service and join the company as a permanent customer.
The ability to work next to the regular WhatsApp:
You will not have to delete the regular WhatsApp from your device to benefit from this application, as it is installed along with it.
Each application works with a different number, the two applications cannot use the same number.
Because they are together, there will be no problems with the accounts or the phone.
Whatsapp Business contains more important features than regular WhatsApp; These features cannot be overlooked, and you will know them more and see them firsthand by installing your application.


A method that contributes to preserving all your data and conversations as they are, and it can be used by keeping them on the Google Drive cloud.
This contributes to restoring it at any time you want and without problems, as if you did not delete it from the original or delete the application.
Opening an account with a landline number:
It is among the features that are not found on the regular WhatsApp, if you want to create the application on a landline phone.
This will not be objectionable, and the account will be created, while the number is verified and the verification codes are sent to it via a call, not a message.



Pictures and information are added to display the product clearly in order to give customers a sufficient idea about it and the other goods it offers, and it is possible to view the catalog through the company’s file, and the customer can choose the products he wants to order and send them to you so that you know that he wants these products. like that; Download WhatsApp Business Web, and agree on delivery and payment methods.


You can use it if the phone supports it, and the application enables you to open the locks that you add to it; It is done by fingerprint only, and you need to confirm your fingerprint when this type of protection is turned on on your copy of the application.


Among the protections that the application adds to you so that you can protect your data and your account; Because no one else will be able to open the account as long as it is locked with this code. It is a six-digit code that you choose yourself to lock the account.


It will not be the same in the literal sense between groups and individual conversations, as the blue tick in individual conversations means that the recipient has read the message, while in the group it means that all individuals have seen your message; So there are many groups that do not appear on the blue tick. like that; WhatsApp Business for PC, meaning that this blue tick does not appear, that these indicators have been turned off by you, or by the recipient.
It may also mean that he has blocked you and prevented you from texting him or that his phone is switched off at this time; Or your message hasn’t been delivered yet, or maybe there are some problems with your or his internet connection.


You can do this by checking the status, clicking on More, and then selecting Forward; You can also do the same action with multiple instances and can forward it to yourself or your friends.


A feature that allows the media to be viewed only once, and then deleted and not viewable again. Or you wanted to get to know him at first but didn’t consider him reliable yet.


Regular WhatsApp is full of features that set it apart from any other social networking applications, however, Whatsapp Business offers you more features than it; It is more popular, and among those differences between the two applications are the following:

Allowing the creation of a private account for the company by adding its details and information about it, and this is not available within the regular WhatsApp application and cannot be done for a user through it.
Quick replies are features that are not available through regular WhatsApp, while Whatsapp Business is unique to them, in order to benefit from them in communicating with your customers and getting closer to them.


Automatic responses that allow you to make the customer feel that you are present continuously, as they are responses that are sent automatically.
When the customer asks about something, and you give him some information that you decide to show him, whether it is simple or complete.
Registering with a landline number is also a feature that we have not seen on the regular WhatsApp before, but the application allows it in order to improve the service for companies and help them benefit from the full benefits, and not put them in a situation where they need to resort to other advertising methods.
The established classifications for conversations, which allow you to classify the correspondence between you and clients according to tabs that you decide on your own, but one of them is pre-set for new clients, and the rest you can record and add as needed, and as you see it is most appropriate for the required organization, as the main goal is to reach what you want quickly, And not to waste a message among the crowds of other correspondence, as well as to reduce errors and avoid them as much as possible.


You can do this after preparing a backup copy of your data and uploading it to secure storage on the cloud, and following a specific approach that is explained in the following steps:

Make sure that both apps are on the latest version, and that you have downloaded from the Store.
Launch the Whatsapp Business application, and if you switch to the regular application, leave the other one open in the background until you finish working.
Agree to the terms of the application, and then you will find that the business application can know the number with which you create the account on WhatsApp, and here you can click the sentence to use the number.
If you want to register an account for another number, choose to add another number to complete the work, and record the required number in the box.
Click Continue, then Allow, and this will allow Whatsapp Business to access your private records and files on your device.
You will receive a message containing a hexadecimal code, insert it in the fields designated for that in order to verify the number.
Type your company information and product details that you want others to know, then click Next.
With this, you have transferred the account from normal to commercial using Whatsapp Business.


Informing the customer about your product, and the catalog that you add to it helps in his request for purchase, and here he will need to reserve the required product, so he can press the add to cart button, and the method of adding is done as follows:

Go to the file whose products you want to purchase, then click on the shopping icon, which is located next to the activity definition provided by the company that owns the file, and the catalog will be displayed for selection.
With the offer, you will browse a group of products offered by that company, so keep going until you reach the desired product.
Click on the name of the product you decided to buy.
Click “Add to Cart” to reserve the product, and you can message the company to get more information about the product.
If you want to view the products you have ordered, click View Cart, and you can add more products, and you can remove some products that you have withdrawn from ordering.
After settling on the products, send a picture of your cart to the company, in order to agree on delivery and payment methods.
The order will not be considered final until the seller confirms it.


You can use it after installation in the normal way you use regular WhatsApp; But you will first need to follow the steps because there are slight differences between the two applications, and the steps are as follows:

When the application is installed, open it, and then register the company’s number, whether it is a mobile phone number or a fixed phone, there is no objection to that, and the application allows it.
Click OK to verify that the entered number is correct, by sending a text message or calling and filling in a 6-digit code.
Then write the number that was delivered to you in the field specified for it, and then press OK. The goal of the code is to ensure that the number is correct, while if it is wrong, you will not receive the code.
If the number is correct, you will move to the next step, which is registering the company name, and note here that WhatsApp Business.
It is not allowed to change the name later, so you will need to make sure that you entered the name and title of the company correctly.
Put a symbolic image for the file, and it is possible to use the logo of your company to express it, and inform customers that it is the same company they are asking for.
You can then fill in the fields with specific company information, such as address and location; And any other information you would like to add so that the customer can form a larger and more in-depth idea of the services provided by your company.


You will not need to do much to get an emoji that expresses your current state and feelings, and you use these emojis in order to communicate your feelings to your interlocutor, and to show them instead of the facial expressions that you might show if the person who is talking to you was already in front of you, some of these emojis are available for use in different skin colors. like that; WhatsApp Business for PC 2023, in order to choose the closest to your skin color and use it, and as you do so, it is kept as a default color for your skin.


Whatsapp Business allows you to send messages that will automatically disappear after a period you specify.
In order to be able to get rid of it safely and without worrying about anyone seeing it, and you can set the time after only 24 hours have passed; Or a number of days per week or even 3 full months, and the prescribed period passes, and then the messages disappear as if they were not.
Duration and destruction are applied to the messages that you receive after activating the feature only, and it has nothing to do with the messages that you had before the activation.
Its activation takes place through the required conversation page itself, from which destructive messages are selected, and then select the required time.
If you want to disable it, you can do so through the same steps, but instead of setting the time, you will choose to turn it off.
Frequently asked questions about WhatsApp Business
If you have some inquiries that you want to clarify and know more about, you can see the next part, and this is so that you can understand everything that is going on in your mind regarding the application; Also, to be able to use it better and easier for you, and among these questions are the following:


This happens when the phone is not properly set up to receive messages in real time to send them, so the first thing you must do is make sure that the application is connected to the Internet, by making sure that the device is connected first, and if you see that it is connected, try entering any site to make sure that the access real, not pictorial. like that; Download WhatsApp Business, and if the site does not open, then the problem is with your Internet connection.

It is possible for the browser to work and go to the site you requested, yet you do not receive your messages, and here you will need to refer to the company that provides you with Internet services, and this is in order to be confident that your Internet settings are correct and there is no problem with them, also check with the company regarding setting access points, which Contribute to the operation of the type that uses it. like that; Whatsapp Business, from data.
Because it uses a type other than that used by browsers, as well as the router, you must make sure that it is set up properly, by trying to change the network if you can, if the connection is made, then the problem stems from the modem, not from the device; Although there is a problem with the network difference.

So, go to the WhatsApp website, so that you may benefit from the ways to solve the problem mentioned on www.whatsapp.com.


This problem may occur because you did not add the Google Drive account in the first place.
It may also result from not providing the program with the phone number on which you have created it; Which makes you lose it because it will either not be linked to any account, or it will be linked to a different account than yours.
It is also possible that your chat history is corrupt and cannot be uploaded to save and restore; There is also a possibility that the card used as your memory card will not be able to keep files on it and retrieve them again.
The last possibility is that you do not have a file on the device that is kept, nor a file on the cloud where you store the data.
Why do I see incorrect timing for receiving and sending messages?
Try to look at the settings related to the time and range in which you live in the phone settings.
If there is any problem, fix it, it is best for WhatsApp to set the settings to the network settings, as this makes the time accurate on the application and is not subject to a wrong estimate.
If you activated this feature and did not get rid of the problem, then this means a problem with the network, and you will need to contact your service provider.
I suffer from the appearance of blurry images on the application, what is the reason for this?
The cause of the problem is due to deleting the file from the device, which makes the image not appear clearly to you.


You benefit from it because no one is able to open your account with him in any way except by entering a hex code that you set yourself; Even if you try to run the application from another phone, the code will be requested.
The code is requested periodically to ensure that it is not forgotten, as well as to ensure that you are the original owner of the account; And if you forget the number, you can set it in several steps, to ensure that you are the owner of the account.


The deletion is done by entering the additional options, from which you go to the settings and then the deletion; And know that when the account is deleted, it cannot be retrieved again, and you will need to write the full number with the country code, and confirm the deletion.
You will be asked about the reason for which you are deleting the account, and you can choose a reason from the list that appears in front of you.
Deletion includes getting rid of messages, any posts you have in groups, as well as any previously made copies.


There are some countries that cannot use this feature, and this is not because of the application; There are even local laws that prevent app calls from operating in those countries.
If you live in one of these countries, you will not be able to call or receive a call on WhatsApp; Likewise, if you are outside those countries, and you try to contact a person in one of them, he will not receive your call.


This happens because you are using an unsupported version of the app which puts your data at risk so you are initially banned temporarily as a kind of warning, while if you do not use the original app the ban will be permanent.
We do not support any plus apps, GB WhatsApp, or any modified versions of the original app.
Because it violates privacy and steals data, and we are not yet sure of the extent to which it protects your data or its security on devices and information.

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You are now ready to download OBWhatsApp Business for free. Here are some notes:

  • Please read our MOD Info and installation instructions carefully for the game & app to work properly
  • Downloading via 3rd party software like IDM, ADM (Direct link) is currently blocked for abuse reasons.
  • Read the FAQ carefully for more details.

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