Download Funny WhatsApp Status

May 23, 2020 (4 years ago)


Who doesn’t love a good laugh? we all love sharing funny jokes with our friends and family, and now with the technology, we love sharing them on the internet, and since we all use WhatsApp, a lot of people love to share funny jokes on WhatsApp status, if you want to do that as well you need to download funny WhatsApp status 2022, we recommend an application that has a lot of funny jokes you can share on your WhatsApp Status.

  • Funny WhatsApp Status having more than 10000 status set of messages and lovable shayari and social quotes.
  • In this app also available sms,Messages,Puzzels and so many Social thoughts are available.
  • There are so many status available in different languages like Hindi,English,Marathi,Tamil,Telugu,etc;
  • No special permission required to run this app.
  • Here available quotes are so funny and interesting to share with your friend via social networking sites.
  • If you like this app please recommended it to your friend circle.


  • You can search status images from browser.
  • You can share funny status.
  • You can set status in Whats App,Facebook etc.
  • Download it and enjoy.
  • Rate Us if you like So much.

Download Funny Whatsapp Status App

To enjoy all the funny images and share them to your WhatsApp Status you need to download an application called Funny Status, this is a small application that has funny images and jokes you use them on your WhatsApp status.

Funny Images Whatsapp Status 2023

The application has so many categories other than “funny status” you can browse them and enjoy it, there are statuses about friendships, love, family, life, and the list goes on. The first category is Funny, when you open it you will see that it has over 100 funny images.

Take a look at them, and then choose the image you like to share, we should mention that not all of them are English, you will find some images with Hindu language, but the majority is the English status so you don’t need to worry about that.

When you choose an image, you have three option, the first is save it to your phone, the second is to share it to your WhatsApp, and the third is to edit the image the way you want to.

Funny Status App Pros

  • The application has over 100 funny images.
  • It has other categories like sad status and cute status.
  • The size of the application is very small.
  • You can share the images on all social media platforms.

Funny Status App Cons

  • There is a lot of ads which does bother the user.
  • There is no funny videos, the application only offers funny images.

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