10 Best TV Series Based On Hacking & Technology (2024)

June 9, 2024 (2 weeks ago)

Top 10 TV Series Based on Hacking & Technology in 2024

In the era of digital dominance, hacking and technology have become fascinating subjects for creators, leading to the emergence of thrilling TV series that explore the cyber realm. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just intrigued by the mysterious world of hacking, these TV shows will undoubtedly capture your attention. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the realm of 1s and 0s with the 10 best TV series based on hacking and technology.

1. Silicon Valley

Are you intrigued by the ever-evolving world of tech and startup culture? Look no further than “Silicon Valley,” a TV series that immerses you in the heart of the technological gold rush. This show offers a unique blend of insights into the tech world, coupled with a generous dose of humor.

Tech’s Comic Chronicle:

Embark on a journey where the stakes are high, and the competition is fierce. “Silicon Valley” provides a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges faced by budding entrepreneurs navigating the Silicon Valley landscape. The series introduces you to a host of captivating characters, each with their quirks and ambitions.

Learning Through Laughter:

While the series doesn’t depict real-life tech moguls, it offers a satirical take on the industry’s dynamics. You’ll find yourself chuckling at the absurdity of certain situations, all the while gaining valuable insights into the tech realm. The comedic touch makes the learning experience enjoyable and accessible to both tech enthusiasts and casual viewers.

Characters That Captivate:

In “Silicon Valley,” the characters play a pivotal role in bringing the tech narrative to life. While not based on real-life figures, these characters are richly developed and offer a fascinating glimpse into the diverse personalities that make up the tech ecosystem. From quirky coders to ambitious visionaries, the series paints a vivid picture of Silicon Valley’s vibrant culture.

So, if you’re ready to ride the rollercoaster of the tech world with a comic twist, “Silicon Valley” is the perfect pick. Explore the highs and lows of startup life and gain a deeper understanding of the tech industry, all while being entertained by a cast of unforgettable characters. Tune in and join the gold rush of Silicon Valley!

2. Person of Interest

If you crave a series that seamlessly blends seriousness with humor, “Person of Interest” is your ticket to an intelligent and amusing adventure. This captivating show revolves around a brilliant programmer who creates a powerful artificial intelligence, setting the stage for a narrative that is both intense and humorous.

The Tech Genius Unleashed:

At the core of “Person of Interest” is a genius programmer whose creation, an advanced artificial intelligence, becomes the linchpin for solving crimes across the city. Dive into the intricate world of technology as the series explores the potential and pitfalls of AI, offering viewers a thought-provoking experience.

AI vs. Crime:

The unique premise of an AI dedicated to crime-solving adds a layer of intrigue to the series. Watch as the AI becomes an invaluable tool in the fight against criminal activities, showcasing the potential benefits and ethical dilemmas associated with advanced technology.

Twists, Turns, and Tickles:

To keep you on the edge of your seat, “Person of Interest” weaves a narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns. While tackling serious themes, the series doesn’t shy away from injecting humor into the mix. The result is a delightful concoction of suspense, comedy, and technological brilliance.

Comedy Meets Technology:

For those seeking a harmonious blend of comedy and technology, “Person of Interest” delivers on both fronts. The witty banter, unexpected humor, and the juxtaposition of advanced AI with lighthearted moments make it a unique and enjoyable watch.

So, if you’re ready for a series that takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions – from intense moments to hearty laughs – “Person of Interest” is a must-watch. Immerse yourself in the world of intelligent programming, artificial intelligence, and crime-solving with a touch of humor.

3. Arrow

Step into the realm where fiction meets technology with “Arrow,” a gripping superhero series infused with elements of hacking and high-tech wizardry. While Oliver Queen’s journey unfolds as a billionaire vigilante, the series seamlessly weaves in technology and hacking into its compelling narrative.

Tech Unleashed in Starling City:

Though primarily a superhero tale, “Arrow” doesn’t shy away from delving into the world of technology. Starling City becomes the playground for a tech-savvy vigilante as Oliver Queen embraces his alter ego to fight crime and bring justice to the city.

From Billionaire to Hacker:

The journey of Oliver Queen, a billionaire presumed dead, takes an unexpected turn as he re-emerges with a newfound mission. Embracing the role of a vigilante, he employs his tech prowess to wage a war against crime. Watch as the city transforms, and high-tech gadgets become his allies in the fight for justice.

Fictional Realities Meet Hacking Feats:

While “Arrow” may be rooted in fiction, it skillfully incorporates hacking and technology into its storyline. Follow Oliver Queen’s evolution from a presumed-dead billionaire to a tech-savvy crime fighter, and witness the integration of cutting-edge gadgets and hacking skills.

City Redemption Through Tech:

As Oliver Queen takes it upon himself to make Starling City a better place, technology becomes a crucial aspect of his crime-fighting arsenal. The series showcases how a blend of billionaire resources and hacking skills can pave the way for a city’s redemption.

For those craving a superhero saga with a tech twist, “Arrow” delivers the perfect combination. Dive into the thrilling world of a billionaire-turned-vigilante and witness how technology becomes a powerful ally in the battle against crime.

4. Betas

For an authentic glimpse into the challenging world of Silicon Valley startups, “Betas” stands out as a must-watch series that mirrors reality with striking accuracy. This TV show immerses you in the life of a small startup, offering insights into the cutthroat competition that characterizes the tech hub.

Silicon Valley Unveiled:

If you’re eager to understand the intricacies of life in Silicon Valley, “Betas” takes you beyond the surface. The series paints a realistic picture of the challenges faced by startups in the tech mecca, from securing funding to outsmarting the competition.

Startup Struggles and Triumphs:

Join the characters as they embark on the journey of creating a social networking app. The storyline revolves around the trials and triumphs of a startup trying to make it big in the highly competitive Silicon Valley landscape. Witness the highs of innovation and the lows of fierce competition in the tech ecosystem.

Innovation Unleashed:

What sets “Betas” apart is its focus on innovation. The characters come together to develop a social networking app that goes beyond the ordinary, allowing users to find precisely the right connections. The series explores the creative process and the determination required to stand out in a sea of tech startups.

Finding the Right Connection:

The social networking app at the center of “Betas” adds a unique twist to the series. It reflects the ongoing quest in the tech world for solutions that stand out and meet users’ needs more effectively than existing options. The characters’ journey to create something better than the rest is a testament to the constant drive for improvement in Silicon Valley.

If you’re ready to delve into the unfiltered reality of Silicon Valley startups, “Betas” is your gateway. Experience the highs, lows, and innovations that define the tech startup landscape.

5. Intelligence

Prepare for a mind-bending journey into the fusion of technology and fiction with “Intelligence,” a TV series that pushes the boundaries of crime fiction through the lens of cutting-edge technology. This gripping show introduces a high intelligence officer with a computer microchip embedded in his brain, unlocking a world of enhancements and powers beyond the grasp of ordinary humans.

Microchip Marvels:

At the heart of “Intelligence” lies a groundbreaking concept – a high intelligence officer equipped with a computer microchip embedded in his brain. This ingenious twist opens the door to a realm of possibilities, allowing the protagonist to enjoy enhancements and powers that redefine the conventional limits of human capabilities.

The Ultimate Crime-Solving Duo:

Step into a world where the synergy between man and machine becomes the ultimate crime-fighting force. With a direct connection to technology, the high intelligence officer in “Intelligence” takes on the challenge of solving crimes that transcend the boundaries of traditional investigative methods. The series explores the dynamic between human intuition and technological precision.

Powers Beyond Ordinary:

Witness the protagonist’s journey as the microchip in his brain grants him unparalleled abilities. From decoding complex data to outsmarting criminals, “Intelligence” showcases how technology becomes a formidable ally in the pursuit of justice. The fusion of fiction and technology creates a narrative that is both thrilling and thought-provoking.

Crimes Unraveled in the Digital Realm:

In “Intelligence,” crimes are unraveled not only through traditional means but also in the vast landscape of the digital realm. The series delves into the challenges and ethical dilemmas posed by a protagonist whose connection to technology blurs the lines between human and machine.

For those seeking a unique blend of crime fiction and futuristic technology, “Intelligence” offers a mesmerizing experience. Immerse yourself in a world where the human mind and advanced microchips unite to tackle crimes in ways unimaginable.

6. Mr. Robot

Embark on a riveting journey into the clandestine world of elite hacking with “Mr. Robot,” a TV series that stands apart by offering an in-depth exploration of the life of a masterful hacker. This show introduces the enigmatic character, Mr. Robot, whose exceptional skills allow him to infiltrate and manipulate virtually every digital realm, from smartphones to computers.

Elite Hacking Unleashed:

Unlike other TV series in our lineup, “Mr. Robot” takes hacking to the next level. The primary character, Mr. Robot, is a maestro in the art of hacking, capable of breaching the security of smartphones, computers, and virtually every electronic device. The series peels back the layers of the digital world, revealing the extent of his unparalleled hacking prowess.

A Vigilante of the Virtual Realm:

Meet Mr. Robot, a cyber security engineer by day and a vigilante hacker by night. This dual life adds complexity to the character, as he uses his skills to eliminate evil forces while maintaining a veil of anonymity. The series navigates the delicate balance between the virtual and real worlds, showcasing the impact of hacking on both.

Anonymous Heroism:

The allure of “Mr. Robot” lies in its portrayal of a hacker who operates in the shadows, making the world a better place while keeping his identity shrouded in mystery. The series delves into the moral complexities of vigilantism in the digital age, offering a nuanced perspective on the blurred lines between good and evil.

Cybersecurity Engineer Turned Vigilante:

In the day, Mr. Robot works as a cyber security engineer, but when the sun sets, his focus shifts to dismantling corruption and injustice through his hacking skills. The dichotomy of his life adds layers of intrigue, making “Mr. Robot” a must-watch for those fascinated by the intersection of cybersecurity and vigilantism.

If you’re ready to unravel the secrets of an elite hacker’s life, “Mr. Robot” is your gateway to a world where technology and morality collide. Dive into the digital underworld and witness the anonymous heroism that unfolds in the virtual realm.

7. The IT Crowd

Step into the tech-driven hilarity of “The IT Crowd,” a TV series that offers a delightful departure from the intensity of other hacking shows. Unlike the seriousness of Mr. Robot, this sitcom strikes the perfect balance between comedy, humor, and the occasional hacking mishap. Join the misadventures of a quirky group of tech support workers as they navigate the challenges of corporate life with a touch of casual humor.

Tech Shenanigans and Hilarity:

While Mr. Robot delves into the high-stakes world of hacking, “The IT Crowd” takes a more lighthearted approach. The series provides a comedic lens through which you can witness the everyday challenges faced by a group of tech support workers. From quirky office dynamics to amusing tech mishaps, laughter is guaranteed.

Casual Sitcom with a Tech Twist:

Consider “The IT Crowd” your go-to sitcom for a casual and family-friendly tech-infused watch. This series strikes a chord with audiences by blending relatable workplace humor with the occasional foray into the world of hacking. It’s a perfect choice for those seeking a lighter take on the tech industry.

Tech Support Adventures:

Join the adventures of a high-energy and funny tech support team as they tackle the absurdities of their daily work lives. “The IT Crowd” offers a refreshing portrayal of the tech support world, where the mundane becomes extraordinary through witty banter, hilarious misunderstandings, and a dash of hacking escapades.

Family-Friendly Tech Laughs:

Designed for a broad audience, “The IT Crowd” is an ideal pick for families looking to share a laugh together. The series infuses tech-related humor into its sitcom format, making it accessible to viewers of all ages. It’s a casual watch that doesn’t compromise on the entertainment factor.

If you’re in the mood for a tech sitcom that balances humor with the occasional tech twist, “The IT Crowd” is your perfect companion. Enjoy the laughs, camaraderie, and tech shenanigans that unfold in this delightful series.

8. CSI: Cyber

Embark on a high-tech crime-solving journey with “CSI: Cyber,” a captivating extension of the acclaimed CSI series that thrusts viewers into the heart of cybercrime investigation. In this modern rendition, technology takes center stage as the team, led by the brilliant CyberPsychologist Agent Avery Ryan, utilizes hacking skills to decode the complexities of criminal minds.

Legacy of CSI:

As one of the longest-standing and beloved crime TV series, CSI has set the standard for gripping crime mysteries. With the evolution of technology, CSI: Cyber emerges as a cutting-edge addition, propelling the franchise into the digital era where crimes unfold in the vast and intricate landscapes of the cyber realm.

Agent Avery Ryan’s Cyber Pursuit:

Meet Agent Avery Ryan, a CyberPsychologist at the forefront of the FBI’s battle against cybercrime. The series follows her as she employs a unique combination of psychological insights and advanced technology to investigate and apprehend criminals who operate within the digital abyss.

Hacking into the Minds of Criminals:

In CSI: Cyber, hacking takes on a new dimension as the team leverages technology to infiltrate the minds of criminals. The suspense and thrills escalate as they navigate the digital realm, unraveling the intricate web of cybercrimes that pose a threat to society.

A Symphony of Suspense and Technology:

CSI: Cyber seamlessly blends suspense with technological prowess, offering viewers a front-row seat to the ever-evolving landscape of cyber investigations. Each episode unfolds as a thrilling quest for justice, where hacking becomes a crucial tool in deciphering the motives and methods of modern-day criminals.

If you crave a crime series that explores the intersection of technology and investigation, CSI: Cyber delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience. Immerse yourself in the digital underworld where the battle against cybercrime unfolds.

9. Scorpion

Explore the world of brilliance and technology with “Scorpion,” a newer addition to TV series based on hacking & technology. In this compact yet dynamic show, a group of super-geniuses joins forces to create an international network, utilizing their hacking and technological skills to serve as a formidable defense line against a myriad of threats.

A Network of Super-Geniuses:

In the realm of Scorpion, intelligence knows no bounds. The series introduces a group of extraordinary minds, each a specialist in their field, who come together to form a collective force for good. Their combined expertise creates an international network capable of tackling the most complex challenges.

Hacking and Technology as a Defense:

Unlike some of its predecessors, Scorpion focuses on a more compact and modern approach to hacking and technology. The team utilizes their skills not just for personal gain but as a powerful tool to protect the world. From cybersecurity to unconventional problem-solving, the series showcases the diverse applications of their technological prowess.

Fighting Crime with Intelligence:

The central theme of Scorpion revolves around the team’s mission to fight crime and safeguard the world using their unparalleled intelligence. Each episode unravels a new challenge, requiring the team to employ their hacking skills and technological acumen to overcome threats and ensure global security.

Compact Yet Powerful:

Despite being a newer addition to the genre, Scorpion packs a punch with its portrayal of a tight-knit group of geniuses working in harmony to combat the ever-evolving landscape of threats. The show demonstrates that size doesn’t always matter, and intelligence can be a potent weapon against crime.

If you’re seeking a more recent take on hacking and technology, Scorpion offers a fresh perspective. Immerse yourself in the world of super-geniuses, where hacking and intellect join forces to defend the world against imminent dangers.

10. Black Mirror

Dive into the thought-provoking and enigmatic world of “Black Mirror,” one of the most renowned TV series based on hacking & technology. Offering a unique perspective, this show takes a deeper look at modern society, unraveling the potential consequences of our reliance on current technologies.

Exploring the Dark Corners:

In the realm of “Black Mirror,” no stone is left unturned. The series goes beyond the surface to explore the darker corners of our tech-driven world. Each episode presents a standalone narrative, offering a glimpse into the unsettling and often thought-provoking consequences of our evolving relationship with technology.

Confronting Modern Society:

At its core, “Black Mirror” is a mirror held up to modern society, reflecting the potential ramifications of our technological advancements. The show delves into the complexities of our interconnected lives, exploring the thin line between progress and peril as we navigate an increasingly digital world.

Mystery and Twists Unleashed:

For those who crave mystery and unexpected twists, “Black Mirror” delivers in abundance. The show is known for its ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, with each episode presenting a new storyline and a fresh set of technological dilemmas that captivate and provoke thought.

Dark and Graphic Narratives:

While the narratives in “Black Mirror” may be dark and graphic, it is precisely this rawness that adds to the show’s allure. The series doesn’t shy away from delving into uncomfortable territories, challenging viewers to confront the darker aspects of our technological dependency.

If you’re ready to embark on a journey that challenges the norms and confronts the complexities of our tech-centric world, “Black Mirror” is a must-watch. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of mystery, twists, and contemplation.


As you embark on the thrilling journey of the 10 best TV series based on hacking & technology, a world of intrigue, suspense, and technological wonders unfolds before you. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a crime drama aficionado, or someone seeking a unique blend of entertainment, these series cater to a diverse range of interests.

A Tapestry of Tech Tales:

From the gold rush of Silicon Valley to the clandestine world of elite hackers, each series in this lineup weaves a tapestry of tech tales that captivate and engage. Whether it’s the dark reflections in “Black Mirror” or the lighthearted escapades of “The IT Crowd,” there’s something for every palate.

The Power of Intellect and Innovation:

In the realm of “Mr. Robot,” witness the power of an elite hacker’s intellect, while “CSI: Cyber” delves into the digital abyss of cyber investigations. “Scorpion” introduces a compact yet powerful team of super-geniuses defending the world with hacking and intelligence.

Reflecting on Consequences:

As “Black Mirror” reflects on the consequences of our tech-dependent society, “Intelligence” explores the synthesis of technology and crime fiction. “Person of Interest” strikes a harmonious chord between seriousness and humor, offering a unique blend of intelligence and wit.

Choosing Your Tech Adventure:

Whether you prefer the high-energy world of startups in “Betas” or the superhero tech odyssey in “Arrow,” there’s a tech adventure waiting for you. “Silicon Valley” invites you into the humorous side of the tech world, while “The IT Crowd” keeps it casual and family-friendly.

Share Your Thoughts:

If any of these series have piqued your interest, share your thoughts in the comments below. Which one resonates with your tech-savvy soul? The world of hacking and technology awaits, and these series are your ticket to a captivating, entertaining, and thought-provoking adventure.

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