Best Ai WhatsApp ChatGPT, Free innovative chatbots list 2024

June 9, 2024 (3 weeks ago)

Best Ai WhatsApp ChatGPT, Free innovative chatbots list 2024

In 2024, the landscape of communication has evolved dramatically with the integration of AI into platforms like WhatsApp. This technological advancement has paved the way for a plethora of innovative chatbots, revolutionizing how we interact and engage with each other. From enhancing productivity to providing personalized assistance, these AI-driven chatbots are reshaping the way we use WhatsApp.

Here’s a curated list of 13 remarkable AI-powered chatbots that are set to redefine your WhatsApp experience:

1. WhatGpt:

Introduced by Node.js and integrated with GPT-3, WhatsGPT serves as a bridge between your WhatsApp chat screen and ChatGPT. It lets you write your CVs and messages, translate and narrate any language, create PDF files, and more.

But initially, it is kept with some premium and free features. Now, it is in full swing with 300k+ active users worldwide and tremendous public feedback.

Additionally, You can create any image by writing its descriptions, such as background, character details, color scheme, and other minor details.

Thus, you don’t need any brush to paint a portrait, but your words and clever prompts will let you do that. To access WhatsGPT, save the contact below in your WhatsApp and start your AI conversations:

WhatGPT WhatsApp Number: +1 (650) 460-3230 WhatGpt

2. Shmooz AI Tool:

This is also a unique addition to your WhatsApp created by EWS Automation, giving you a better WhatsApp experience. You can send and receive voice notes to Shmooz to get AI-based answers.

This assistant is available 24/7 for your questions and queries. However, just like other AI tools, it is on a trial basis initially. Start Shmoozing now! Get access to this WhatsApp API from the link below: Shmooz AI Tool

3. MobileGpt:

This is also an outperforming WhatsApp chatbot that you can utilize to get general content and various recommendations while remaining in your WhatsApp. It also integrates with ChatGPT to give you highly personalized content. Save the below numbers in your WhatsApp and give it a go now:

Mobile GPT WhatsApp Number: +27 76 734 6284 MobileGpt

4. Wizai:

Once again, this is a WhatsApp business API chatbot. With its offbeat performance, it is rapidly spreading in business circles. You can get all the autoresponder features and other customer service benefits from this tool in your WhatsApp.

You can run your effective business campaigns and monitor your growth stats in your WhatsApp. Thanks to AI. You can get its access by saving the contact of Wiz chatbot:

Wiz Ai WhatsApp Number: +49 1515 1853491 Wizai

5. jinni WhatsApp:

This is a fantastic hyper-intelligent assistant that you can use for education and work settings. It will give you the best solutions to any matter of your concern. For example, you can recapitulate how to make Domino Pizza without leaving your WhatsApp chat screen. jinni WhatsApp

6. BuddyGpt:

Consider BuddyGpt as a conversational platform with many ingenious ideas you can generate from it. Its collaboration with GPT-4 will resolve all queries in a fraction of a second.

Additionally, you can also use it for your business to fetch more leads and seal deals with the value-based chats it provides. Connect with your AI buddy through the following WhatsApp contact:

Buddy GPT WhatsApp Number: +351 911 920 981 BuddyGpt

7. WATI:

WATI is a widely expanding AI built on the WhatsApp API tool, specially crafted to drive sales, support, marketing conversations, and other business utilities. Its successful launch has helped 3500+ businesses across the globe with tremendous customer feedback.

You can easily make team collaborations and assign conversations to agents, monitor quick responders, integrate with your business websites to engage with new prospects, and many more things to gear up your business. Get more details about this API from WATI

8. Sou Luzia:

Luzia is a FREE API chatbot with a powerful WhatsApp API. It is free to use and ad-free. Simply add the number below to your WhatsApp contacts and start interacting with Luzia AI.

Sou LuzIA WhatsApp Number: +34 613 28 81 16 Sou Luzia

9. Guide Geek:

If you are a travel geek, you can let Guide Geek be your travel guide. This WhatsApp API will help you organize your trips, manage travel budgets, and provide expert opinions about your travel spots as your companion.

In my experience, it is more than just a travel guide! Just save the contact below and start getting travel guides now.

Guide Geek Ai WhatsApp Number: +1 (205) 892-2070 Guide Geek

10. Roger Ai:

Roger AI is your go-to learning assistant. You can use it to summarize any article, PDF, podcast, or video. Additionally, you can install an iOS shortcut and request summaries from any content on Safari, YouTube, Spotify, and others. Access RogerAI today from Roger AI

11. Ameyo:

Ameyo is the best AI tool for your business to be steered on WhatsApp through WhatsApp Business API. It helps you send rich media rather than plain text and enables you to monitor your business campaigns and customer services quite efficiently.

It integrates the back-end and customer relationship system, offering more secure and private communication with end-to-end encryption. You can also send appointment reminders, conduct remote consultations, and process payments with just one click.

Therefore, you can take advantage of these AI services across various sectors such as healthcare, finance, travel, and more.

12. Personal AI Assistant (Hey Pi):

Pi API is easily accessible on your WhatsApp. It is exclusively developed with high emotional intelligence (EQ) that is continually learning and improving itself.

You can consult Pi for life matters to get a wiser and balanced opinion. Take Pi as your brainy friend! You can access it by saving the number below in your WhatsApp or just visiting the website below:

Pi Personal Ai WhatsApp Number: +1 (314) 333-1111 Personal AI Assistant (Hey Pi)

13. Cami Ai WhatsApp – Hey Cami Ai:

Want to have a daily life AI friend that tells you food recipes and offers advice on your daily matters? Cami Ai assists you in learning and practicing any language. Moreover, you can transcribe audio and generate images using Cami.

It can read and write in almost all languages. You can access this go-to WhatsApp assistant by saving the WhatsApp contact below or visiting the website provided.

Cami Ai WhatsApp Number: +1 (917) 694-2789 Cami Ai WhatsApp – Hey Cami Ai

Free Chatbots WhatsApp ChatGPT Numbers List

By bookmarking the following WhatsApp numbers, you can utilize the following FREE API chatbots in addition to the aforementioned WhatsApp APIs:

  • +1(650)460-3230
  • +27767346284
  • +4915151853491
  • +1(201)416-6644
  • +351915233853

How Artificial Intelligence is gonna change your WhatsApp usage?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is poised to significantly transform the way we use WhatsApp, bringing about a range of innovative changes that will enhance communication, productivity, and efficiency. Here’s how AI will revolutionize WhatsApp usage:

  1. Multilingual Communication: AI-powered chatbots will break down language barriers by providing real-time translation and interpretation services. This will enable users to communicate seamlessly with individuals who speak different languages, expanding the reach and inclusivity of conversations.
  2. Imaginative Communication: AI chatbots will empower users to communicate beyond traditional text and emojis. Users will be able to express their thoughts and ideas through high-resolution images, animated 2D and 3D videos, and even custom-created content generated by AI based on user prompts.
  3. AI-based Learning: AI will act as a personal instructor within WhatsApp, offering instant explanations and guidance on a wide range of topics. Users can leverage AI to enhance their learning experience, from simple tasks like making coffee to complex subjects like coding and game development.
  4. PDF Generation: With AI integration, WhatsApp will become a powerful tool for generating various types of content, including resumes, proposals, recipes, brochures, and more. Users can quickly create professional documents with just a few prompts, streamlining tasks that would typically require multiple tools or applications.
  5. Business Optimization: AI will enable businesses to leverage WhatsApp for a wide range of functions, including customer support, team management, contract management, financial management, and more. AI-powered chatbots can automate repetitive tasks, analyze data to provide insights, and improve overall operational efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Overall, the integration of AI into WhatsApp will not only enhance communication capabilities but also streamline various tasks and processes, making WhatsApp a central hub for both personal and professional activities. As AI continues to advance, the possibilities for innovative uses within WhatsApp will only continue to grow, promising a future of enhanced connectivity and productivity.

Is there any Negative side of AI, especially in Your WhatsApp

Indeed, while AI brings numerous benefits to our lives, including enhancing communication on platforms like WhatsApp, there are also potential negative implications to consider:

  1. Dependency and Reduced Critical Thinking: With AI providing quick solutions and automating tasks, there’s a risk of over-reliance on technology. This could lead to a decline in critical thinking skills as people become accustomed to relying on AI algorithms to make decisions and solve problems for them.
  2. Job Displacement: As AI continues to advance, there’s concern about job displacement caused by automation. Tasks that were previously performed by humans may now be handled by AI-powered bots, leading to job loss and economic disruption in certain industries.
  3. Complexity of Communication: While AI aims to simplify communication with one-click solutions, it may also introduce new complexities. As AI generates new terminologies and factors, users may need to navigate additional considerations such as privacy, security, and encryption, potentially making communication more challenging and nuanced.
  4. Ethical and Social Implications: The widespread adoption of AI in communication platforms like WhatsApp raises ethical questions regarding data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the impact on social interactions. It’s crucial to address these concerns to ensure that AI technology is used responsibly and ethically.
  5. Growing Economic Disparity: The benefits of AI may not be equally distributed, leading to widening economic disparities. Those with access to advanced AI technology and resources may gain significant advantages over those without, exacerbating existing inequalities.
  6. Loss of Human Touch: As AI becomes more integrated into communication platforms, there’s a risk of losing the human touch and empathy in interactions. Automated responses may lack the emotional intelligence and understanding that human communication often requires, potentially leading to a more impersonal experience.

Overall, while AI offers immense potential to enhance communication and productivity, it’s essential to carefully consider and address the potential negative consequences to ensure that technology serves humanity’s best interests. Responsible development and implementation of AI, coupled with thoughtful consideration of its implications, are critical for harnessing its benefits while mitigating its risks.


Indeed, as AI continues to evolve, it presents both opportunities and challenges for society. While it enhances communication and productivity, it also raises concerns about job displacement, dependency, and ethical implications. It’s crucial for individuals and organizations to adapt to these changes and embrace innovation responsibly.

Looking ahead, the future of communication may involve even more advanced technologies such as Virtual Reality and Holographic technology. As these technologies become more accessible and integrated into our daily lives, it’s important for people to stay informed and adaptable to remain relevant in an increasingly digital world.

In conclusion, while AI brings about significant changes to our communication landscape, embracing these advancements with awareness and caution can help us navigate the complexities of the digital age and leverage technology to improve our lives while mitigating potential risks.

FAQ: Best AI WhatsApp ChatGPT Chatbots 2024

1. How to use ChatGPT in WhatsApp?

The easiest way to use ChatGPT on WhatsApp is by saving one of the numbers provided above. Once you have saved the number in your mobile memory, simply send a message via WhatsApp and ChatGPT will respond to you. You can now enjoy all the features of ChatGPT on your mobile WhatsApp.

2. Is there any free AI chatbot for WhatsApp?

So far, most WhatsApp ChatGPT API chatbots are premium versions. You might know their potential through the demos, limited in their free versions’ media, and messaging in their free versions. However, with this trend becoming prevalent, more competitors will be in the market; thus, more free versions will be available.

3. Is there any WhatsApp ChatGPT bot available for iPhone?

Different chatbots are available now that you can use on Android PCs and iPhones.

4. Is AI safe for your communication?

Artificial intelligence is just the more advanced version of human progression. As you have built a staunch belief on different social media platforms over time, AI will also take its stature. Still, the question about the safety related to the AI WhatsApp chatbot can be clarified by looking at the user feedback.

For that, we see tremendous positive feedback worldwide, with 4.5+ stars for some top-performing AI tools for WhatsApp. Thus, you can opt for some offbeat tools to experience optimum WhatsApp usage.

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